W向我表示她很在意年齡的定位,這部分我卻沒有特別的人生規劃,讓我想到前幾天工作坊時,韓國的同學問我:「What's your life goal?」,一時語塞的我先反問他,他說一邊賺錢一邊繼續拍片,然後一旁的日本同學是想拍攝十部電影,特別是以真實故事為基礎的。沒有認真思考過這個問題的我,回答了現階段只想趕快畢業。
這次工作坊最後的心得分享,因為英文不好,又講得2266,所以想重新完整地紀錄下來:「First, although I am a female, I seldom focus on female issue. But Bossy Girls let me rethink the female situation in Taiwan. Other project is the same. Although they tell their stories, they also reflect the situation in our country. I think that's the value of Asian co-production.
Second, I think the intentions of our films are very important. All of them are come from ourselves. For example, Jimi team, Hayashi wants to find his identity, so he did this documentary. Kart team, they discovered and surprised at the national violence, then they chose the comfort woman as the subject. Yunnan team , Yifei comes from Yunnan, she wants to do something for her race. Yong in, both of directors are female, they are writing more female history. Even our film cannot touch everyone, I believe all of us will grow up than before.」
最後一天大家聚在離線咖啡,韓國的同學問我:「What's your favorite film?」雖然回答了一一,但其實心裡並不是很確定,之後想到了壁花男孩?又或者應該是橫山家之味?電影看太少了QQ他的答案是李滄東的Green Fish,他覺得裡面的主角境遇與他很相似(最近跟圖書館借了李滄東的電影還沒有看),後來聊到我的HTC手機,我問他韓國的Samsung怎麼樣,他則說Samsung對勞工很不好,我提到之前看的貪欲帝國,很巧地他有參與這部紀錄片的製作,隨後他給我看富士康的照片,因為他對大規模的生產方式感到驚訝,我推薦他看人造風景,不過回家途中才想到應該要推機器人夢遊症。喜歡這樣的對話,這也是另類的Asian co-production吧。